====== JX Client Connection HOWTO ====== ===== Launch JX Client ===== Launch the client using one of the following methods: * CLI: Change directory (cd) to the location of jxclient.jar and then run java -jar jxclient.jar * GUI: navigate to the directory that contains the client file * Linux: Right click on jxclient.jar -> Open With "OpenJDK Java 11 Runtime" * macOS: Right click on jxclient.jar -> Open With -> JavaLauncher * Windows:Right click on jxclient.jar -> Open with... -> Java(TM) Platform SE binary -> click OK ===== Client Splash Screen ===== You should now see a splash screen indicating that the client has launched and is loading {{:client:jxclient-generic:01-jxclient-splash-screen.png}} ===== Server Selection Screen ===== After the client finishes loading, you should now see the server selection screen (aka, metaserver list) - Select the server you want to connect to by left clicking once on that server name - Left click once on the green icon found at the bottom of the interface {{:client:jxclient-generic:02-jxclient-server-screen.png}} ===== Account Login ===== The login screen for the game server is now showing Note: login name and password is unique to each game server, so keep track what you used to login **AND** which server {{:client:jxclient-generic:03-jxclient-login.png|}} ==== New Players ==== - Left click on the Create button to set up a new account NOTE: this is **NOT** the name your character will use while in the game - Follow the prompts to create a new character including name, class, race, and stats - For assistance with creating a character, see the [[guides:character_creation|character creation guide]] ==== Returning Players ==== - Enter your username in the Login: field - Enter your account password in the Password: field - Click on the Login button to proceed to that character selection screen ===== Exit the Client ===== When ready to exit the game or client, make sure you character safely logs out of the game via savebed - Hit the Esc key on your keyboard - Left click on the Exit button {{:client:jxclient-generic:04-jxclient-exit.png|}}