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gods:ixalovh [2018/03/26 02:28]
karl created
gods:ixalovh [2019/12/20 06:50] (current)
karl [Description] add internal link to gods
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-====== Ixalovh ​===== +====== Ixalovh == 
-TODO+**Ixalovh Chaos Goddess of Many Tentacles, Sea Serpent and Ocean Wave**
-See also : Guide [[:​guides:​character_creation#​Ixalovh]] entry.+===== Description == 
 +Ixalovh is the [[:​gods|god]] of the Eight Icy Oceans and their Eighty-Eight Spheres \\ 
 +( a sphere measuring something around 100 meters or 100 yards in depth ) \\ 
 +that surrounded the Ancient World before [[:​Bigworld]] . 
 +===== Lore == 
 +Ixalovh is believed to live deep in the hidden dark and invisible empires of the deepest seas. \\ 
 +It is commonly agreed that it is a male goddess and resembles a giant squid \\ 
 +and that the waves are the fingertips of him. \\ 
 +The whale hunters of [[:​world:​Wolfsburg]] regularly sacrifice fish to appease him, \\ 
 +ensuring calm waters while sailing out onto the oceans. \\ 
 +A small minority of heretics claim though, that Ixalovh would be a giant white sperm whale \\ 
 +creating the maelstroms with his fluke. \\ 
 +A recent founded group of  suffragettes in Darcap believes, that Ixalovh would be a female squid \\ 
 +roaming the oceans until she is freed of its ugly body shape, \\ 
 +and that there would be 99 spheres instead of 88. 
 +===== Attributes == 
 +Name of the enemy god:​ [[Ruggilli]] \\ 
 +[[:​Races]]:​ [[:​races:​Chaotic Water Creatures]] , Tentacles \\ 
 +Enemy races:​ [[:​races:​Consuming Fire Creatures]]  
 +[[:Attack Types]]:​ Cold,​ Physical \\ 
 +Resistances:​ Cold +80 ((become_follower() in server/​gods.c limits resistances to elemental attacks given to players at the value of 30)), Magic +20, Physical (armour) +20 \\ 
 +Vulnerable:​ Fire -30 \\ 
 +Attuned:​ Frost,​ Transmutation \\ 
 +Repelled:​ Fire,​ Detonation \\ 
 +Denied:​  ​       Turning \\ 
 +Special:​ n/​a  
 +===== Player Information == 
 +See also : The old Guide [[:​guides:​character_creation#​Ixalovh]] entry. 
 +==== General Gaming Experience == 
 +Seems to have massive problems melting ice-cubes by marking them and applying flint and steel ... 
 +=== Evaluative Criticism == 
 +Ixalovh seems to be a god(dess) that would work for most characters. \\ 
 +A nice weapon blessing for warriors, while the attunement to cold spells \\ 
 +helps those spellcasters kill things a bit faster with cold spells (like icestorm). \\ 
 +She grants many useful resistances:​ armour +20 really helps out those who can't use or wear good equipment, \\ 
 +and magic +20 furthers your protection. \\ 
 +The only downside to following this god is fire spells are reduced effectiveness,​ \\ 
 +and fire -30 means that fireball might prove fatal. \\ 
 +[[:​races:​Fireborns]] should probably stay away from her, \\ 
 +though [[:​races:​Quetzalcoatls]] might work well if they can get 150 grace for medium spells.  
 +In all, quite powerful, she's only missing artifacts that could be a bit more useful. 
 +=== Additional Comments == 
 +Keeping an eye on the Horn of Sirens relic and the Siren Call spell since it's mass charm ability might be overpowered. \\ 
 +Ruggili is also now enemy to Ixalovh with slaying set accordingly too. \\ 
 +Neither allows turning of their enemies as they prefer to annihilate each other. 
 +===== Worshiping Ixalovh == 
 +==== Altar == 
 +=== Granted Spells == 
 +  * Insect Plague (low level) 
 +  * Wave (low level) 
 +  * Siren Call (medium level) 
 +=== Altar Effects == 
 +  * Remove Curse 
 +  * Remove Depletion 
 +  * Enchant Weapon +12 
 +  * Restore Spellpoints High (this is the only god who does this) 
 +  * Restore Grace 
 +  * Heal 
 +  * Cure Poison 
 +=== Holy Relics == 
 +==Horn of the Sirens== 
 +high level, rare 
 +>In rare cases might contain the spell Siren Call, 
 +>​otherwise this shellhorn stays empty: 
 +>>​Putting this shell to your ear, you hear a 
 +>>​strange and haunting melody. 
 +==Horn of Ocean Waves==  
 +high level, rare 
 +>In rare cases might contain the spell Wave, 
 +>​otherwise this shellhorn stays empty: 
 +>>​Putting this shell to your ear, you hear  
 +>>the crashing sound of ocean waves. 
 +==Ixalovh'​s Spear==  
 ++12, high level, rare 
 +>​Ixalovh'​s spear +12 (Pow+1)(dam+35)(item_power +20)(weapon speed 3)(magic+1) 
 +>​(Attacks:​ physical, cold)(resist magic +10)(resist fire +15) 
 +==== Incarnations == 
 +=== Holy Servant == 
 +A [[:​monsters:​elemental:​witch_water|Water Witch]] 
 +=== Avatar == 
 +Tile Size 1x1, **level 19**, [[:​characters:​hp]] 400, [[:​characters:​wc]] -3, [[:​characters:​dam]] 60, [[:​characters:​ac]] -5, [[:​attack_types:​resist:​physical|armour]] 40, [[:​characters:​speed]] 0.5; Attack Types: Physical, Cold; Resists: Cold +100, Magic +30, Fire -100 
 +===== Gaming Tips == 
 +FIXME Add gaming tips
gods/ixalovh.1522049311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/26 02:28 by karl