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monster:giant [2018/02/18 06:53]
karl template
monster:giant [2018/02/18 08:42] (current)
karl Add missing monsters to list
Line 4: Line 4:
 **Here is a list of monsters found in the // /giant/// directory of the [[:​arch:​arch]] package.** **Here is a list of monsters found in the // /giant/// directory of the [[:​arch:​arch]] package.**
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​belzebub|Belzebub]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​djinn_magenta_big|Big Djinn]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​byakie|Byakie]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​cyclops|Cyclops]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​djinn_magenta|Djinn]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​DK|Dread Knight]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​EDK|Elite Dread Knight]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​fireserp|Fire Serpent]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​giant|Hill Giant]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​jessyb|Jessy]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​mabu|Mabu Suke]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​djinn|Major Djinn]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​m_djinn|Minor Djinn]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​serpent|Serpent]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​slug|Slug]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​titan|Titan]]
 +  - [[:​monsters:​giant:​big_wiz|Wizzard]]
monster/giant.1518958383.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/02/18 06:53 by karl