====== Skill Woodsman ====== This [[:skills|skill]] is given to the [[:races]] of [[:races:Elves]] and [[:races:Fendrakis]] and furthermore the [[:classes|class]] of the [[:classes:Barbarians]] . ===== Description ===== While the skill is readied, the possessor will move faster through "wooded" terrain (forest, grasslands, brush, jungle, etc.). \\ If actively used, this skill will identify [[:items:flesh:]] parts and presumably [[:items:food:|foods]] . \\ Foods are usually identified by the [[:skills:alchemy]] skill, especially poisoned foods, if they have not the flag 'identified' set in their [[:arch:]] archetype.arc configuration file. \\ The woodsman skill can also be used to craft special food [[:items|items]] on a [[:items:misc:Container:stove]] . ==== Use Skill ==== Woodsman skill will identify flesh parts and possibly a few foods . \\ Syntax :''use_skill woodsman'' ==== Ready Skill ==== While the skill is readied, the possessor will move faster through "wooded" terrain (forest, grasslands, brush, jungle, etc.). \\ Syntax : ''ready_skill woodsman'' ==== Passive Skill ==== Having the woodsman skill also allows a player to avoid drowning death in swamp terrain. No need to have the skill active, also long as the character possesses the skill - they gain this bonus.