Table of Contents

Things I do intend to do in the future, when I have time/will…




Quest mechanism

First low-level storage mechanism committed.


Goal: the most flexible

Consequence: only provide base mechanism - quest state tracking. And let every other aspect be controlled by the quest writer. This doesn't prevent writing higher level quest mechanisms if needed.

Should there be an explicit available quest listing for the players? So they know what to do?

Most flexible idea: add a plugin function for quest handling, to describe the quest and such, call it periodically to give hints to the players, stuff like that.

Only one 'active' quest at the same time, but multiple 'in progress'? Active quest can give hints if needed (show target position on map, stuff like that).

Server-side, a quest for a player is:


Harvesting stuff

Changes that could be done to harvesting things:


(maybe one day)

old obsolete stuff

Todo list: