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Evocation is one of the wizardry disciplines of spell casting. Evocation spells belong to many different paths, with Missiles, Transference, and Frost being the most common. Most evocation spells are attack spells, although a few are for defense or information.

Followers of Ixalovh are attuned to the Frost path, and followers of Sorig are attuned to Missiles, so they may be drawn to this spell family.

The evocation skill is acquired by learning the skill from a scroll or by having a talisman of evocation. Spellcasters may also be created with evocation as part of their initial skill set.

List of Spells

This is a complete list of the evocation spells1), sorted by level.


Level: 1 SP: 8 Paths: Protection, Self
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Creates a field of force around the player which reduces the damage from physical attacks. It provides no protection from non-physical attacks.

Small Bullet

Level: 1 SP: 1 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: 2)


Level: 1 SP: 5 Path: Frost
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a cone of ice which freezes monsters in the direction of the caster. This spell increases in power with the caster's evocation level, so it remains powerful even at high skill levels.

Small Snowstorm

Level: 1 SP: 6 Path: Frost
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a ball of ice which explodes to freeze everything in the area. Especially useful against fire creatures.

Mana Blast

Level: 2 SP: 10 Path: Transference
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires a cone of energy which inflicts pure magic damage. Useful against creates who are immune to fire, cold, or lightning.

Small Manaball

Level: 2 SP: 12 Path: Transference
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires a ball of magical energy which explodes on contact, doing pure magic damage over a small area.

Detect Monster

Level: 2 SP: 2 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Unseen or hidden monsters become visible.

Mana Bolt

Level: 3 SP: 18 Path: Transference
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires a directed bolt of mana which does pure magic damage.

Small Speedball

Level: 3 SP: 3 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources:
Notes: Creates a bundle of magical energy which seeks out an enemy to hit. The speedball does a small amount of damage and slows its target, then dissipates.

Medium Snowstorm

Level: 3 SP: 10 Path: Frost
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a ball of ice which explodes on contact and freezes everything in the area.


Level: 3 SP: 12 Path: Frost
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a directed bolt of frost. Especially useful against demons and other creates vulnerable to cold.

Rune of Frost

Level: 4 SP: 10 Path: Fire
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Sets a magical trap which will detonate and do freezing damage to anyone who steps on it.

Large Bullet

Level: 4 SP: 3 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Like Magic Bullet, but more powerful.

Medium Manaball

Level: 4 SP: 6 Path: Transference
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires a ball of magical energy which explodes on contact, doing pure magic damage over the surrounding area.

Negative Energy Bolt

Level: 4 SP: 13 Path: Electricity
Attack Types: cold, drain Sources:
Notes: A negative energy bolt which drains the target of experience points and does cold damage.

Large Snowstorm

Level: 5 SP: 16 Path: Frost
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a small snowball that explodes on contact, freezing everything in a large area.

Large Manaball

Level: 6 SP: 32 Path: Transference
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires a ball of magical energy which explodes on contact, doing pure magic damage over a large area.

Large Speedball

Level: 6 SP: 6 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources:
Notes: Creates a bundle of magical energy which seeks out an enemy to hit. The speedball damages and slows its target, then dissipates.

Bullet Swarm

Level: 7 SP: 6 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires many magic bullets in the direction the caster is facing. The number and damage of the bullets varies according to the evocation skill level of the spellcaster.


Level: 8 SP: 15 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: weaponmagic Sources:
Notes: 3)

Create Frost Wall

Level: 8 SP: 8 Path: Creation
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books
Notes: Creates a line of frost squares in front of the caster. Creatures can cross the line, but will take frost damage. If this spell is cast multiple times on the same spot, the damage increases.

Negative Energy Ball

Level: 9 SP: 10 Path: Electricity
Attack Types: cold, drain Sources:
Notes: Fires a ball of negative energy. The ball sticks to the first creature it strikes (if any), draining it and doing cold damage for a limited time.

Ball Lightning

Level: 9 SP: 10 Path: Electricity
Attack Types: magic, electricity Sources: rods, scrolls, wands
Notes: Fires a ball of electrical energy which flies around somewhat randomly looking for an enemy. The ball sticks to the first creature it strikes (if any), following it around and continuously shocking it and any creatures in the immediate vicinity for a limited time. It will not damage the caster.

Bullet Storm

Level: 10 SP: 8 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires many large bullets in the direction of the caster. The number and damage of the bullets varies according to the evocation skill level of the spellcaster.


Level: 10 SP: 30 Path: Abjuration
Attack Types: cancellation Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Removes magic, curse, and damnation from locations and items. It also removes enchantment, so be careful not to use it on your prized magic items! It can be useful in improving items with negative magic bonuses (sword -3).

Create Pool of Chaos

Level: 10 SP: 10 Path: Creation
Attack Types: chaos Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Creates a line of chaotic energy in front of the caster. Creatures crossing the line will be hit with a variety of attacks. The effect does not block line-of-sight, and if it is cast multiple times, the damage will increase.

Large Icestorm

Level: 12 SP: 13 Path: Frost
Attack Types: magic, cold Sources: books
Notes: Fires a cone of freezing cold air. It has the side effect of encasing objects in the area with a block of ice.

Frost Nova

Level: 12 SP: 30 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: weaponmagic Sources:
Notes: 4)


Level: 12 SP: 5 Path: Creation
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Creates a special rune which encapsulates another spell of the caster's choosing. When a creature activates the rune by stepping on it, the encapsulated spell is cast on the creature.

Build Bullet Wall

Level: 12 SP: 35 Path: Creation
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Creates a wall that fires magic bullets, as per the Magic Bullet spell. The bullet wall can be torn down by creatures, or it will expire after a limited time.


Level: 14 SP: 26 Path: Null
Attack Types: physical, magic Sources:
Notes: Fires a cone of force which hits with both magical and physical damage.

Rune of Magic Drain

Level: 14 SP: 30 Path: Transference
Attack Types: N/A Sources:
Notes: Creates a rune on the floor. When a creature steps on it, the rune activates and drains mana points from the creature.

Notes & Comments

  • Should Rune of Frost really be a Fire spell? That's what the arch for it says.
  • The descriptions for Ball Lightning in the arch and on the website don't match very well. The former says it goes in the direction cast, while the latter says it hunts out enemies. I haven't used it myself, so I went with the arch description, figuring that may be more current.
  • A few spells don't have descriptions from either source; anyone who knows what they do, feel free to fill them in.
  • Armour has a path_attuned value of 33, which would make it belong to both Self and Protection. Since it's the only spell that doesn't match a single bit in the path_attuned bitmask, I'm guessing that's a typo?


  • All information retrieved from the archetype files in the SVN repository, or from the Spells section of the main Crossfire site.
1) according to the SVN version as of 2006-12-03
2) , 3) , 4) Needs description; none found in arch or website.
wiki/data/pages/spells/evocation.1382790626.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/23 17:09 (external edit)