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-====== Index of Spells ====== 
-All [[:​spells|wizardry]] and [[spells:​praying|prayer]] [[:​spells]],​ listed alphabetically. ​ Click on a spell for details. 
-  * [[????#​aggravation|aggravation]] (*) 
-  * [[summoning#​alchemy|alchemy]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​animate_weapon|animate weapon]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​antimagic_rune|antimagic rune]] 
-  * [[evocation#​armour|armour]] 
-  * [[evocation#​asteroid|asteroid]] 
-  * [[evocation#​ball_lightning|ball lightning]] 
-  * [[praying#​banishment|banishment]] 
-  * [[praying#​bless|bless]] 
-  * [[evocation#​build_bullet_wall|build bullet wall]] 
-  * [[summoning#​build_director|build director]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​build_fireball_wall|build fireball wall]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​build_lightning_wall|build lightning wall]] 
-  * [[evocation#​bullet_storm|bullet storm]] 
-  * [[evocation#​bullet_swarm|bullet swarm]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​burning_hands|burning hands]] 
-  * [[praying#​call_holy_servant|call holy servant]] 
-  * [[evocation#​cancellation|cancellation]] 
-  * [[????#​Notes & Comments|cannon shell]] (*) 
-  * [[praying#​cause_anthrax|cause anthrax]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_black_death|cause black death]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_cold|cause cold]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_critical_wounds|cause critical wounds]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_flu|cause flu]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_heavy_wounds|cause heavy wounds]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_leprosy|cause leprosy]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_light_wounds|cause light wounds]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_many_wounds|cause many wounds]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_medium_wounds|cause medium wounds]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_rabies|cause rabies]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_red_death|cause red death]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_smallpox|cause smallpox]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_typhoid|cause typhoid]] 
-  * [[praying#​cause_white_death|cause white death]] 
-  * [[???#​charging|charging]] (*) 
-  * [[sorcery#​charisma|charisma]] 
-  * [[summoning#​charm_monsters|charm monsters]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​color_spray|color spray]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​comet|comet]] 
-  * [[praying#​command_undead|command undead]] 
-  * [[praying#​conflict|conflict]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​confusion|confusion]] 
-  * [[praying#​consecrate|consecrate]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​constitution|constitution]] 
-  * [[summoning#​counterspell|counterspell]] 
-  * [[summoning#​counterwall|counterwall]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​create_bomb|create bomb]] 
-  * [[summoning#​create_earth_wall|create earth wall]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​create_fire_wall|create fire wall]] 
-  * [[summoning#​create_food|create food]] 
-  * [[evocation#​create_frost_wall|create frost wall]] 
-  * [[????#​create_lava|create lava]] (*) 
-  * [[summoning#​create_missile|create missile]] 
-  * [[evocation#​create_pool_of_chaos|create pool of chaos]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​Create Repulsion Wall|create repulsion wall]] 
-  * [[praying#​cure_blindness|cure blindness]] 
-  * [[praying#​cure_confusion|cure confusion]] 
-  * [[praying#​cure_disease|cure disease]] 
-  * [[praying#​cure_poison|cure poison]] 
-  * [[praying#​curse|curse]] 
-  * [[summoning#​dancing_sword|dancing sword]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​dark_vision|dark vision]] 
-  * [[praying#​darkness|darkness]] 
-  * [[praying#​daylight|daylight]] 
-  * [[praying#​defense|defense]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​destruction|destruction]] 
-  * [[praying#​detect_curse|detect curse]] 
-  * [[praying#​detect_evil|detect evil]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​detect_magic|detect magic]] 
-  * [[evocation#​detect_monster|detect monster]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​dexterity|dexterity]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​dimension_door|dimension door]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​disarm|disarm]] 
-  * [[praying#​divine_shock|divine shock]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​dragonbreath|dragonbreath]] 
-  * [[summoning#​earth_to_dust|earth to dust]] 
-  * [[praying#​face_of_death|face of death]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​faery_fire|faery fire]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​fear|fear]] 
-  * [[praying#​finger_of_death|finger of death]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​firebolt|firebolt]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​firetrap|firetrap]] 
-  * [[praying#​flaming_aura|flaming aura]] 
-  * [[praying#​forked_lightning|forked lightning]] 
-  * [[evocation#​frost_nova|frost nova]] 
-  * [[evocation#​frostbolt|frostbolt]] 
-  * [[praying#​glyph|glyph]] 
-  * [[??#​haste|haste]] (*) 
-  * [[praying#​heal|heal]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​hellfire|hellfire]] 
-  * [[???#​heroism|heroism]] (*) 
-  * [[praying#​holy_orb|holy orb]] 
-  * [[praying#​holy_possession|holy possession]] 
-  * [[praying#​holy_word|holy word]] 
-  * [[praying#​holy_wrath|holy wrath]] 
-  * [[evocation#​icestorm|icestorm]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​identify|identify]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_attack|immunity to attack]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_cold|immunity to cold]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_draining|immunity to draining]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_electricity|immunity to electricity]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_fire|immunity to fire]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_magic|immunity to magic]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_paralysis|immunity to paralysis]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_poison|immunity to poison]] 
-  * [[praying#​immunity_to_slow|immunity to slow]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​improved_invisibility|improved invisibility]] 
-  * [[praying#​insect_plague|insect plague]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​invisible|invisible]] 
-  * [[praying#​invisible_to_undead|invisible to undead]] 
-  * [[praying#​invulnerability|invulnerability]] 
-  * [[praying#​iron_skin|iron skin]] 
-  * [[evocation#​large_bullet|large bullet]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​large_fireball|large fireball]] 
-  * [[evocation#​large_icestorm|large icestorm]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​large_lightning|large lightning]] 
-  * [[evocation#​large_manaball|large manaball]] 
-  * [[evocation#​large_snowstorm|large snowstorm]] 
-  * [[evocation#​large_speedball|large speedball]] 
-  * [[summoning#​lesser_summon_golem|lesser summon golem]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​levitate|levitate]] 
-  * [[praying#​light|light]] 
-  * [[summoning#​magehound|magehound]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​magic_bullet|magic bullet]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​magic_drain|magic drain]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​magic_mapping|magic mapping]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​magic_missile|magic missile]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​magic_rune|magic rune]] 
-  * [[praying#​major_healing|major healing]] 
-  * [[evocation#​mana_blast|mana blast]] 
-  * [[evocation#​manabolt|manabolt]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​marking_rune|marking rune]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​mass_confusion|mass confusion]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​medium_fireball|medium fireball]] 
-  * [[praying#​medium_healing|medium healing]] 
-  * [[evocation#​medium_manaball|medium manaball]] 
-  * [[evocation#​medium_snowstorm|medium snowstorm]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​meteor_swarm|meteor swarm]] 
-  * [[praying#​minor_healing|minor healing]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​missile_swarm|missile swarm]] 
-  * [[summoning#​mystic_fist|mystic fist]] 
-  * [[evocation#​negative_energy_ball|negaball]] 
-  * [[evocation#​negative_energy_bolt|negabolt]] 
-  * [[praying#​nightfall|nightfall]] 
-  * [[praying#​pacify|pacify]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​paralyze|paralyze]] 
-  * [[praying#​peace|peace]] 
-  * [[summoning#​pentagram|pentagram]] 
-  * [[praying#​perceive_self|perceive self]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​poison_cloud|poison cloud]] 
-  * [[praying#​poison_fog|poison fog]] 
-  * [[???#​polymorph|polymorph]] (*) 
-  * [[sorcery#​probe|probe]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_attack|protection from attack]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_cancellation|protection from cancellation]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_cold|protection from cold]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_confusion|protection from confusion]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_depletion|protection from depletion]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_draining|protection from draining]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_electricity|protection from electricity]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_fire|protection from fire]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_magic|protection from magic]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_paralysis|protection from paralysis]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_poison|protection from poison]] 
-  * [[praying#​protection_from_slow|protection from slow]] 
-  * [[praying#​rage|rage]] 
-  * [[praying#​raise_dead|raise dead]] 
-  * [[???#​regenerate_spellpoints|regenerate spellpoints]] (*) 
-  * [[praying#​regeneration|regeneration]] 
-  * [[praying#​reincarnation|reincarnation]] 
-  * [[praying#​remove_curse|remove curse]] 
-  * [[praying#​remove_damnation|remove damnation]] 
-  * [[praying#​restoration|restoration]] 
-  * [[praying#​resurrection|resurrection]] 
-  * [[praying#​retributive_strike|retributive strike]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​rune_of_blasting|rune of blasting]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​rune_of_death|rune of death]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​rune_of_fire|rune of fire]] 
-  * [[evocation#​rune_of_frost|rune of frost]] 
-  * [[evocation#​rune_of_magic_drain|rune of magic drain]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​rune_of_shocking|rune of shocking]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​rune_of_transference|rune of transference]] 
-  * [[praying#​sanctuary|sanctuary]] 
-  * [[evocation#​shockwave|shockwave]] 
-  * [[praying#​show_invisible|show invisible]] 
-  * [[evocation#​sigil|sigil]] 
-  * [[praying#​siren_call|siren call]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​slow|slow]] 
-  * [[evocation#​small_bullet|small bullet]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​small_fireball|small fireball]] 
-  * [[pyromancy#​small_lightning|small lightning]] 
-  * [[evocation#​small_manaball|small manaball]] 
-  * [[evocation#​small_snowstorm|small snowstorm]] 
-  * [[evocation#​small_speedball|small speedball]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​spark_shower|spark shower]] 
-  * [[praying#​spiderweb|spiderweb]] 
-  * [[praying#​staff_to_snake|staff to snake]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​steambolt|steambolt]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​strength|strength]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_air_elemental|summon air elemental]] 
-  * [[praying#​summon_avatar|summon avatar]] 
-  * [[praying#​summon_cult_monsters|summon cult monsters]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_devil|summon devil]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_earth_elemental|summon earth elemental]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_fire_elemental|summon fire elemental]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_fog|summon fog]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_golem|summon golem]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_pet_monster|summon pet monster]] 
-  * [[summoning#​summon_water_elemental|summon water elemental]] 
-  * [[praying#​sunspear|sunspear]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​town_portal|town portal]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​transference|transference]] 
-  * [[praying#​turn_undead|turn undead]] 
-  * [[praying#​vitriol|vitriol]] 
-  * [[praying#​vitriol_splash|vitriol splash]] 
-  * [[praying#​wall_of_thorns|wall of thorns]] 
-  * [[praying#​wave|wave]] 
-  * [[praying#​windstorm|windstorm]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​wonder|wonder]] 
-  * [[praying#​word_of_recall|word of recall]] 
-  * [[praying#​wrathful_eye|wrathful eye]] 
-  * [[sorcery#​xray|xray]] 
-===== Notes & Comments ===== 
- (*) This mark denotes a [[spells:​non_player|spell that is not available to players]] 
-===== Credits ===== 
-  * All information retrieved from the archetype files in the [[http://​​svn/​index.html|SVN repository]],​ or from the [[http://​​spoiler/​spells/​index.html|Spells]] section of the main Crossfire site. 
wiki/data/pages/spells/index.1382789779.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/23 17:16 (external edit)