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-====== Pyromancy ====== 
-Pyromancy is one of the wizardry disciplines of spellcasting. ​ Most 
-pyromancy spells belong to the paths of fire or creation, but a few 
-belong to other paths. ​ Most pyromancy spells involve fire or 
-lightning in some way, and offensive spells outnumber defensive ones. 
-[[races:​dragons|Dragon]] and [[races:​fireborns|fireborn]] characters seem like naturals for this skill, 
-while [[races:​trolls]] and [[races:​wraiths]] may wish to avoid it, since their natural 
-vulnerability to fire could make it dangerous for them to use. 
-Devourers are repelled by Fire, so they will be unable to cast many 
-pyromancy spells until achieving a few levels in the skill or forming 
-a party with a pyromancer and sharing experience points (XP). 
-The pyromancy skill is acquired by learning the skill from a scroll or 
-by having a talisman of pyromancy. 
-===== List of Spells ===== 
-This is a complete list of the pyromancy spells((according to the SVN 
-version as of 2006-12-03)),​ sorted by level. 
-=== Small Lightning === 
-^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 6  ^ Path:  | Electricity | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | This is the smallest lightning spell. ​ It is a bolt spell and inflicts electrical damage. ​ Warning: lightning can reflect off walls and strike the caster. ​   ||||| 
-=== Burning Hands === 
-^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, fire  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Shoots a cone of fire in front of the caster. ​ This spell increases in strength as the caster'​s level grows, so it remains a powerful spell even at high levels. ​   ||||| 
-=== Small Fireball === 
-^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 6  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, fire  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | A ball of fire shoots in the direction of the caster and explodes when it hits something. ​ Don't stand too close! ​   ||||| 
-=== Firebolt === 
-^ Level: ​ | 2  ^ SP:  | 9  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, fire  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | A bolt of fire shoots in the direction of the caster and does fire damage. ​ Don't run forward into it, or you'll get burned. ​   ||||| 
-=== Medium Fireball === 
-^ Level: ​ | 3  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, fire  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | A ball of fire which shoots in the direction of the caster and explodes when it hits something. ​   ||||| 
-=== Rune of Fire === 
-^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a rune which explodes into fire when stepped on.    ||||| 
-=== Faery Fire === 
-^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Light | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books, scrolls || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Causes all creatures near the caster to glow.  It may also have other effects.... ​ This is the only pyromancy spell which belongs to the Light path.    ||||| 
-=== Large Lightning === 
-^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 13  ^ Path:  | Electricity | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | A single large bolt of lightning which shoots in the direction of the caster. ​ The bolt does electrical damage. ​ Warning: lightning can reflect off walls and strike the caster. ​   ||||| 
-=== Large Fireball === 
-^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 16  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, fire  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | A bullet of fire which shoots in the direction of the caster and explodes into a large area of fire when it hits something. ​ Make sure you have plenty of room to get out of the way.    ||||| 
-=== Create Fire Wall === 
-^ Level: ​ | 6  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Creation | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, fire  |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a line of fires in front of the caster. ​ Creatures crossing the line will take fire damage. ​ Casting the spell multiple times on the same area will increase the damage to anything crossing the fire.    ||||| 
-=== Create Bomb === 
-^ Level: ​ | 6  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Detonation | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | physical ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, scrolls, wands || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a bomb in the direction the spell is fired. ​ The bomb detonates after a few seconds, causing explosive damage to nearby creatures and firing shrapnel beyond that range. ​     ||||| 
-=== Rune of Shocking === 
-^ Level: ​ | 8  ^ SP:  | 14  ^ Path:  | Electricity | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | magic, electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | This spell inscribes a near-invisible rune upon the ground. ​ A creature stepping on the rune will take electrical damage. ​   ||||| 
-=== Hellfire === 
-^ Level: ​ | 8  ^ SP:  | 13  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | fire  |^ Sources: ​ |  || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Like the standard fireball spell, this spell shoots a bullet of fire, which explodes into a large area of fire when it hits something. ​ Unlike the fireball, however, the hellfire is normal, non-magical fire, so it can damage creatures which are immune to magic. ​   ||||| 
-=== Comet === 
-^ Level: ​ | 8  ^ SP:  | 15  ^ Path:  | Missiles | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | weaponmagic ​ |^ Sources: ​ |  || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Fires a comet in the specified direction. ​ The comet inflicts serious physical harm on whatever it hits, and then bursts into flames. ​   ||||| 
-=== Rune of Blasting === 
-^ Level: ​ | 10  ^ SP:  | 18  ^ Path:  | Detonation | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | physical, magic  |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | This spell inscribes a near-invisible rune upon the ground. ​ A creature stepping on the rune will take physical and magical damage. ​   ||||| 
-=== Firetrap === 
-^ Level: ​ | 12  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Creation | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a special rune which encapsulates another spell, which is not required to be a fire spell. ​ When any creature steps on the rune, the encapsulated spell is cast on the creature. ​   ||||| 
-=== Dragonbreath === 
-^ Level: ​ | 12  ^ SP:  | 13  ^ Path:  | Fire | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | fire  |^ Sources: ​ |  || 
-^ Notes: ​ | This spell shoots sheets of fire in a large cone shape. ​ The fire is not magical, so it can harm creatures who are immune to magic but vulnerable to fire.     ||||| 
-=== Meteor Swarm === 
-^ Level: ​ | 12  ^ SP:  | 30  ^ Path:  | Missiles | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | weaponmagic ​ |^ Sources: ​ |  || 
-^ Notes: ​ | An extremely strong attack spell. ​ This spell fires several comets in the direction of the caster. ​ Be careful not to step into the swarm. ​   ||||| 
-=== Build Lightning Wall === 
-^ Level: ​ | 14  ^ SP:  | 40  ^ Path:  | Creation | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a wall section that fires lightning bolts. ​ The bolts are fired in the direction the spell was cast.  The wall can be torn down by creates, or it will expire after a set period of time.    ||||| 
-=== Build Fireball Wall === 
-^ Level: ​ | 16  ^ SP:  | 45  ^ Path:  | Creation | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a wall section that shoots fireballs. ​ These fireballs behave just like normal fireballs. ​ The wall can be torn down by creatures, or it will expire after a set period of time.    ||||| 
-===== Notes & Comments ===== 
-===== Credits ===== 
-  * All information retrieved from the archetype files in the [[http://​​svn/​index.html|SVN repository]],​ or from the [[http://​​spoiler/​spells/​index.html|Spells]] section of the main Crossfire site. 
wiki/data/pages/spells/pyromancy.1208135570.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/23 17:10 (external edit)