This is a small assortment of subroutines that I call often in client-side scripts, so I put them together here in one place. To use this file, put it in the same directory as your scripts, and include it like this:

require "./";


# Subroutines for use in client-side crossfire scripts
sub wait_for_server {
    print "watch comc\n";
    my $res = <STDIN>;
    print "unwatch comc\n";
# request_line()
# Request one line of information from the client
# @param $request
# Information to request
# Returns the reply as a scalar
sub request_line1 {
    my $request = "@_"; # Join any arguments with spaces
    my @lines;
    print "request $request\n";
        if( /^request $request (.+)$/ ){
            return $1;
    return undef;
sub request_line {
    my $request = shift;
    print "request $request\n";
    my $reply;
    while( $reply = <STDIN> ){
#       LOG($reply);
        chomp $reply;
        last if( $reply =~ s/^request $request // );
    return split ' ', $reply;
sub draw {
    my $color = shift;
    my $line  = shift;
    print "draw $color $line\n";
sub issue {
    for (@_) {
        print "issue 1 1 $_\n";
sub LOG {
    print STDERR @_, "\n";