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wiki:data:pages:user:rednaxela:todo [2006/12/16 20:29] external edit
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-====== My todo list: ====== 
-=== "​Now"​ (whatever that means) === 
-  * Begin the proposed [[dev_todo:​refactor|refactoring]] 
-    * Framework committed, need to do some refactoring now. 
-=== In the near future... === 
-  * Contact [[http://​​|Klocwork]] to request their [[http://​​forms/​open_source_analysis.asp|open source deal]] for source code analysis. 
-    * Thinking of waiting till after refactoring,​ and perhaps other misc code cleanup. 
-=== Unfinished bussiness... === 
-  * Finish my python based client libs 
-  * Port the spellcasting swords to the new python server bindings and get into svn 
-  * Get a quest made for the '​create repulsion wall' spell 
-  * [[dev_todo:​landplots|Land Plots]] 
-=== Just ideas... === 
-  * "​scrying"​ via tiling (already done by Mikee a little after I mentioned the idea) 
-  * A '​capture the flag' arena 
-  * Fancier monster ai 
-Back to [[user:​rednaxela|my user page]] 
-Back to [[:​dev_todo|the main todo list]] 
wiki/data/pages/user/rednaxela/todo.1166322583.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/23 18:00 (external edit)