======= #define possibilities for the Crossfire Client ====== Some interesting compiling options when [[:client:client_compiling|compiling the client]] . \\ These compiling options either have already default values set in some *config.h file, and may be set manually, \\ are automatically generated by the ./configure script, \\ or are possible to be set by either ''export VARIABLE_NAME=1'' before running the //configure// script, \\ passed as ''--enable-feature --with-feature=FEAT'' positional parameter to the configure script, \\ or as ''CFLAGS="-DVARIABLE_NAME -DSOME_OTHER_VARIABLE"'' given to the //configure// script. =====MULTKEYS===== When this is set to //non-NULL//, the client would generate individual //player_name.server_address.keys files//. \\ The default is set in //common/client.h// as unset. \\ When a player logs in, the client would load the default //keys// file located in the hidden **.**[[:client:crossfire]] directory of the user's HOME directory. \\ If that file does not exist, the default key-bindings would be deployed. \\ When the user adds a key binding, then the file player_name.server_address.keys should be created if MULTKEYS had been set to anything at compiling time; \\ otherwise the default keys file would be written. === Found in === * gtk/keys.c * gtk/gx11.c * common/metaserver.c === Default === * common/client.h //unset// See also : [[:client:keybinding]] ===== CLIENT_LIBDIR ===== ===== CS_LOGSTATS ===== ===== ENABLE_NLS ===== ===== SOUND_DEBUG ===== ===== SOUND_DEBUG_WRITES =====