Table of Contents

Improving Player Communcations

Ideas on improving the communication between players.

Inter-Server Chat

Allow players on one server to chat with another server.


Servers connect to other servers directly, and exchange messages.

Possibly have a central blacklist of abusive servers (which one can choose not to use).

Possible ways

Server lists

Options to connect to all compatable servers on the metaserver

With a List (like ban lists, etc) of connections to make with other servers

Dynamic Private Conversations
  1. Player1 on Server1 types “tell Player2@Server2 SOMETEXT”
  2. Server1 initiates connecton with Server2, if not already connected
    • cache the servers?
    • callback like done with xmpp to prevent spoofing?
  3. Server1 sends Player1's message to Server2 with address to Player2
  4. The message gets sent from Server2 to Player2's client

Central Server

Use a central server (possibly runing on, or intergrated with the metaserver).

Server1 —- Chat Server —- Server2

Port the protocol to Jabber/XMPP

Out of game chat <> In game chat

IRC bot

Chat Mode Connections

Allowing connections to servers just for chating