====== Weapon Items in Crossfire ====== Back to Crossfire [[:start]] Page. ===== Artifacts ===== These are the //artifact// [[:items|items]] found in the // /weapon/artifact/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[CSword]] - [[darkblade]] - [[demonbane]] - [[dagger_f]] - [[frost_hammer]] - [[fakefirestar]] - [[firestar]] - [[gram]] - [[holyave]] - [[k_dagger]] - [[lava_s]] - [[masamune]] - [[sting]] - [[uw_sword]] - [[uk_sd]] - [[bonecrush]] - [[deathbring]] - [[defender]] - [[dragonslay]] - [[excalibur]] - [[firebrand]] - [[frostbrand]] - [[harakiri]] - [[magi_staff]] - [[mjoellnir]] - [[mournblade]] - [[skullcleav]] - [[stormbring]] ===== Axes ===== These are the //axe// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/axe/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[axe_1]] - [[axe_2]] - [[axe_3]] - [[axe_4]] - [[axe_5]] - [[b_axe1]] - [[battle_axe]] - [[brdaxe1]] - [[dhaxe1]] - [[dhaxe2]] - [[shaxe1]] - [[stoneaxe]] ===== Bow ===== These are the //bow// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/bow/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[arrow]] - [[bolt]] - [[bow]] - [[compositebow]] - [[crossbow]] - [[elven_bow]] - [[handcrossbow]] - [[huntersbow]] - [[lightning_bow]] - [[longbow]] - [[magic_bow]] - [[reflexbow]] - [[thunder_bolt]] ===== Chained ===== These are the //chained// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/chained/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[lmornstar]] - [[mornstar]] - [[nunchacu_1]] - [[nunchacu_2]] - [[sflail1]] - [[shootingstar]] ===== Club ===== These are the //club// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/club/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[big_club]] - [[club]] - [[cudgel]] - [[quarters]] ===== Hammer ===== These are the //hammer// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/hammer/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[hammer_1]] - [[hammer_2]] - [[stonehamme]] ===== Mace ===== These are the //mace// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/mace/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[mace_1]] - [[mace_2]] ===== Miscellaneous ===== These are the //misc// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/misc/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[kama1]] - [[lspear]] - [[poleaxe]] - [[sai1]] - [[scythe1]] - [[shovel_1]] - [[sickle1]] - [[spear]] - [[stake]] - [[t_star1]] - [[taifu_1]] - [[trident]] ===== Other ===== These are the //other// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/other/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[pipe]] - [[saw]] - [[wrench]] ===== Sword ===== These are the //sword// [[:items:]] found in the // /weapon/sword/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. - [[b_bsword_1]] - [[b_bsword_2]] - [[b_dagger]] - [[b_lsword]] - [[b_scimitar]] - [[b_sicklesword]] - [[b_ssword_1]] - [[b_ssword_2]] - [[b_sword_1]] - [[b_sword_2]] - [[bsword_1]] - [[bsword_2]] - [[butterflysword_1]] - [[butterflysword_2]] - [[dagger]] - [[falchion]] - [[hooksword]] - [[katana_1]] - [[lsword]] - [[nineringsword]] - [[rapier]] - [[sabre]] - [[scimitar]] - [[serp_sword]] - [[sicklesword]] - [[ssword_1]] - [[ssword_2]] - [[sword_1]] - [[sword_2]] - [[sword_3]] - [[sword_4]] - [[t_dagger]] - [[vlongsword]]