JXClient, the Java client for Crossfire, requires Java version 8 or later to run. The sources are part of the Crossfire [[:sourceforge:svn_code|SVN repository]], in the ''jxclient'' directory To compile it, you need the associated JDK. JXClient uses Gradle as build mechanism. ====== Under Linux ====== The recommended way to build is to use the ''Docker'' file provided. Fist you need to setup the build environment: from the root of the sources, ./build-setup.sh will install, in Docker, all required dependencies. Then to build, still from the sources root: ./build-run.sh will open the Docker prompt, into which you can use ./gradlew to build the sources. If you wish to compile outside Docker, you can use the ./gradlew wrapper to build directly, after installing the required dependencies on your system. ====== Under Windows ====== Gradle should work like for Linux. A pre-built installer, embedding the JRE and everything needed, is built daily at [[https://crossfire.weeger.org]].