======= #define possibilities for the Crossfire Server ====== Some interesting compiling options when [[:server:server_compiling|compiling the server]] . \\ These compiling options either have already default values set in some *config.h file, and may be set manually, \\ are automatically generated by the ./configure script, \\ or are possible to be set by either ''export VARIABLE_NAME=1'' before running the //configure// script, \\ passed as ''--enable-feature --with-feature=FEAT'' positional parameter to the configure script, \\ or as ''CFLAGS="-DVARIABLE_NAME -DSOME_OTHER_VARIABLE"'' given to the //configure// script. ===== ALCHEMY_DEBUG ===== ===== ARCHIVE_DEBUG ===== ===== ATTACK_DEBUG ===== ===== AUTOSAVE ===== ===== BACKUP_SAVE_AT_HOME ===== ===== BANFILE ===== ===== BOOK_MSG_DEBUG ===== ===== COMPRESS_SUFFIX ===== ===== CS_LOGSTATS ===== ===== DEBUG ===== ===== DEBUG2 ===== ===== DEBUG_LIGHTS ===== ===== DEBUG_MALLOC_LEVEL ===== ===== DEBUG_THROW ===== ===== DMFILE ===== ===== ESRV_DEBUG ===== ===== EXIT_FAILURE ===== ===== EXTREME_ALCHEMY_DEBUG ===== ===== IMAGE_TIME_LOAD ===== ===== INPUT_DEBUG ===== ===== LOGFILE ===== ===== LOS_DEBUG ===== ===== MANY_CORES ===== ===== MAXPATHLEN ===== ===== MAXSTRING ===== ===== MEMORY_DEBUG ===== ===== NEWCALC ===== ===== NEW_MATERIAL_CODE ===== ===== NO_EMERGENCY_SAVE ===== ===== NPC_PROG ===== ===== PARTY_KILL_LOG ===== ===== PERM_FILE ===== ===== PICKUP_DEBUG ===== ===== PLAYERDIR ===== ===== PLUGIN_DEBUG ===== ===== PYTHON_PLUGIN_EXPORTS ===== =====RESTRICTIVE_DM ===== ===== RMAP_DEBUG ===== ===== SAVE_INTERVAL ===== ===== SHUTDOWN_FILE ===== ===== SKILL_UTIL_DEBUG ===== ===== SS_STATISTICS ===== ===== TREASURE_DEBUG ===== =====TREASURE_VERBOSE===== ===== WANT_UNARMED_SKILLS ===== ===== WATCHDOG =====