{{ http://crossfire.real-time.com/demo/crossfire-heading.png }} We are the official Crossfire encyclopaedia, written and maintained by the players. Crossfire is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software|free]], [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software|open-source]] cooperative multi-player role-playing game similar to Moria, Angband, Omega, NetHack, Rogue, and Gauntlet first released in 1992. | [[Characters|{{ :classes:wizard.base.151.png?200 |}}]] | [[http://www.crossfireatlas.net/|{{ :world:scorn:ipo_scorn.png?240 |}}]] | [[Skills|{{ :images:acid_pool.base.111.png?250 |skills}}]] | [[equipment|{{ :items:eyeglasses.base.111.png?200 |}}]] | [[:monsters|{{ :images:behemoth.base.x33.png?230 |}}]] | [[https://crossfire.real-time.com/resources/calculators/|{{ :images:elem_air.base.111.png?200 |}}]] | | Learn more about ... [[Characters]] | Learn more about ... [[http://www.crossfireatlas.net/|Regions]] | Learn more about ... [[Skills]] | Learn more about ... [[:items|Equipment]] | Learn more about ... [[:monsters|Bestiary]] | Learn more about ... [[https://crossfire.real-time.com/resources/calculators/|Calculators]] | ====== Help/Support ====== * [[:downloading|Downloads]] - Where to get the clients and server for crossfire.[[:downloading|{{ :classes:priest.base.151.png?200|This section focuses on guides to help new players get started and information that will assist in installing Crossfire}}]] * [[:Client|Crossfire Clients]] - Information and HowTo guides for the crossfire clients * [[:server|Crossfire Servers]] - Information and HowTo guides for the crossfire servers * [[:guides|Crossfire Handbook]] - HowTo guides to get new players started * [[:mechanics|The Sworn Book of Scorn]] - This is a section dedicated to the mechanics and implementation of Crossfire as a game. The latest official releases: * Archetypes, v1.70.0 * GTKv2 Client, v1.75.2 * Maps, v1.75.0 * Server, v1.75.0 ====== Community ====== How to get in touch with the Crossfire community: {{ :world:sign.base.111.png?200| This section provides useful links for connecting with other crossfire fans.}} * We're on discord - [[https://discord.gg/CCQqbqu|Click here to join our channel]] * [[https://crossfire.real-time.com/resources/index.html|Mailing lists, instant messaging channels, and social media]] * [[:history_of_crossfire|History of Crossfire]] - The history of the creation of Crossfire. * [[:join|Help out with the Crossfire gaming project]] - Contains information about contributing to the Crossfire project. * [[:User|People]] - Developers and members of the Crossfire community. * [[:Server:Servers]] - Information about various servers (guilds, etc). * [[:Humor]] - Is there any humor in Crossfire? ====== Development ====== * [[:Crossfire Traffic]] - For the latest news on what has been happening in development. {{ :world:thaumaturg_desk.base.111.png?200|This section is the communal edit/scratchpad to document and kick off new ideas, and in-game content. Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please remember that while the wiki is useful for brainstorming, archiving, and listing new ideas, always consult the mailing list before implementing any significant changes to the game.}} * [[:dev|Development]] - Useful information for developers, map editors, and curious players * [[server:server_compiling|Compile Server from source]] * [[client:client_compiling|Compile GTKv2 Client from source]] * [[:logo|Logo Info]] - Recreating the Crossfire name used in the current logo, historic logo info ====== External Links ====== * https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire - Official project and development of Crossfire * http://crossfire.real-time.com - "Official" Crossfire Website * http://forum.metalforge.net - Online web based forum related to Crossfire * http://www.crossfireatlas.net - More current map viewer for all maps in Crossfire ====== The Sworn Book of Scorn ====== //[[:Mechanics|The Sworn Book of Scorn]]// - Start here for information about game mechanics and [[:lore]]