Table of Contents

Compiling the Crossfire GTK2 Client

This document describes how to build and install the Crossfire GTK2 client from source. Instructions for compiling the server are on a separate page.


The following is a (work-in-progress) list of dependencies used by the Crossfire GTKv2 client. If something is missing, carefully look over the results of the `configure` script.

Required Dependencies

If you are planning to compile something, a compiler would be useful. Both GCC and Clang are known to work well. A `make` utility is also required. Both GNU and BSD `make` are known to work.

If you are building from the latest development sources, you will need Subversion and GNU Autotools:

The following are needed for metaserver support:

The following are needed for the GUI:

As a quick reference for Debian and Ubuntu related distributions:

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake flex gcc libgd-tools libgd2-xpm-dev libtool make subversion libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libcurl3 libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-dev libglade2-0 libglade2-dev  

As a quick reference for openSUSE 64bit:

yast -i autoconf automake flex gcc libcurl4 libcurl-devel libSDL-devel libgda-tools libSDL_image-1_2-0 libSDL_image-devel libgtk-2_0-0 libglade-2_0-0 libglade2-devel libSDL2-2_0-0 libSDL2-devel libSDL_mixer-1_2-0 libSDL_mixer-devel libtool make subversion

Note: For x86_64 systems, do not mix 64-bit and 32-bit libraries unless it cannot be helped. For example, libsvn0 is a 32-bit library, but lib64svn0 is the 64-bit equivalent. The build process may fail in the linkage stage if a 32-bit library is linked during a 64-bit build.

Optional Dependencies

Recommended packages provide additional add-ons or functionality to the client, or allow more than one client to be built. It is quite possible to get a perfectly acceptable client functional without having all of the recommended packages.

As a quick reference:

sudo apt-get install lua5.1

Useful Packages

These useful packages are not normally required for end-user builds, but they come in handy in cases where developers may have forgotten to check in changes to build scripts, etc.

Download Source

IMPORTANT - One should be consistent with what is checked out; meaning use all trunk server & archetypes & maps or branches/1.x server & archetypes & maps or tags/1.71.0 server & archetypes & maps otherwise a strong risk of failure due to incompatibilities exists (broken maps, missing graphics, etc.)

The follow steps may be used to download the client source files to your computer.


$ svn co client.svn


These steps have you download branches/1.12

$ svn co client.svn


Here's how to download Tag using the 1.71.0 release as an example

$ svn co client.svn

Setup Environment

Confirm that you are still in your home directory

 $ cd ~
 $ pwd

Now change the working directory to the directory where the client sources were downloaded.

 $ cd client.svn

Confirm that you are in the client source directory

 $ pwd

Choose from one of the following:

1.) A “fool-proof” build preparation that should always work. By “fool” we're talking about a forgetful developer, not the builder, though nobody can really fool-proof software against bugs, so your mileage may vary.

 $ export CFLAGS="-ggdb -g -O0"; ./ --prefix=${HOME}

The export statement enables debugging and disables optimization to facilitate debugging. These settings are useful when running software that has not been released, and is the recommended practice so that if a bug is encountered, it will be possible to collect more data about the bug.

2.) Run the autogen script as is:

$ sh

The script re-creates the configure (./configure) script. It accepts the same options as would normally be pass to ./configure. This command requires both autoconf and automake to be installed.

This process attempts to locate required resources, and also discover whether or not required resources are installed. It is okay to proceed directly to compilation, but almost certainly the output of the ./configure process needs to be review, and packages may need to be installed based upon what features or functionality is desired. The ./configure output generally indicates whether it will or will not build particular clients.

Compile and Install

Now, begin the compile process; choose one of the following:

$ make && make install

Some setups may require you to use sudo, like so:

$ make && sudo make install