Object attributes beginning with the letter n .
Partly taken from the (unsorted) wholepage Object Fields .
Type: const char * (shared string)
Comment: The name of the object, obviously…
Meaning: name <some name> is displayed in the different windows of the client. For floors it prints the name of that arch in the “look” pane.
Goldfloors can have set <some name> to something like <pay 2000 diamonds> , so it does not need a magic_mouth archetype additionally.
Type: const char * (shared string)
Comment: The plural name of the object.
Meaning: Shared string.
Type: uint8
Meaning: Not included anymore ?
Type: uint32
Comment: How many of the objects
These are not archetype attributes, but server internal variables.
Read more on the object_fields page.
Type: obj *
Comment: Pointer to the next object in the free / used list.
Meaning: Should not be used much.
line for (tmp=op→below; tmp!=NULL; tmp=tmp→next)
sounds suspicious (should probably be tmp→below