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Proposal for changes: levels.

The aim of those tables is to list, in the current implementation, the various values statistics can have, based on existing equipment and such things.


  • to hit: roll (with modifiers) >= 20 or target ac >= attack wc - roll (with modifiers)
  • roll modifiers: darkness, layer difference, confused, …, from -23 to +2 (theorically)
  • roll: the higher the better
  • ac: the lower the better
  • wc: the lower the better
  • dam: the higher the better

Natural statistics, without equipment

This doesn't take into account base values from the race or class.

Statistics Players Monsters
Modifiers Min Max Min Max
armor class Dex ; for players who can't use armours, base ac - level/3 capped to -10 ? 7 -120 30
weapon class weapons, combat skill level, Str level 0: 0 ; low Str: -2 ; total: 2 level 115: 29; max Str: 5; total: -34 -100 25
damage combat skill level 1 29 ? ?
HP con value gives half -6 to 50 on 10 levels so -30 to 250 ; 2 points per level above 10 ; min 1 per level ; player hp modifiers for the 10 first levels ? ? ? ?
SP pow and int bonuses ; 2 per level above 10 ? ? ? ?
GR pow and wis bonuses ; 2 per level above 10 ? ? ? ?

Weapon statistics

Weapon Min Max
weapon class

Protection statistics

Protection type Min ac Max ac Min wc Max wc Min dam Max dam

Race base values

Race ac wc hp sp gr
dwarf 10 21 30 30 30
elf 10 21 30 30 30
fenx 10 21 30 30 30
fireborn 0 21 30 30 30
gnome 10 21 30 30 30
halfling 10 21 30 30 30
human 10 21 30 30 30
northman 10 21 30 30 30
fire hatchling 5 21 30 30 30
orc 10 21 30 30 30
quetzalcoatls 5 21 30 30 30
serpentman 10 21 30 30 30
troll 10 21 30 30 30
wraith 6 21 30 30 30

Armor statistics

Only one of those will affect ac and wc

Armor type Min wc Max wc Min ac Max ac Min speed Max speed

Player versus monster simulations

See this page for some results.

Notes: basic player equipment, low stats, don't take that at face value!

user/ryo/stats.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/05 16:34 (external edit)