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Include / Living .h

This is the file include/living.h , without most of the license related stuff, as found in the source code of version 1.70.0 of the server.

See pages Objects , Object Types , Object Fields in the :dev namespace .


Does not include other includes.

 * static char *rcsid_living_h =
 *   "$Id: living.h 14447 2011-05-02 06:11:51Z mwedel $";
    CrossFire, A Multiplayer game for X-windows
    Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Wedel & Crossfire Development Team
    Copyright (C) 1992 Frank Tore Johansen
    The authors can be reached via e-mail at
 * @file
 * Structure containing object statistics.
#ifndef LIVING_H
#define LIVING_H
 * @defgroup STATS Object statistics.
#define STR 0       /**< Strength. */
#define DEX 1       /**< Dexterity. */
#define CON 2       /**< Constitution. */
#define WIS 3       /**< Wisdom. */
#define CHA 4       /**< Charisma. */
#define INT 5       /**< Intelligence. */
#define POW 6       /**< Power. */
#define NUM_STATS 7 /**< Number of statistics. */
/** Maximum level a player can reach. */
#define MAXLEVEL 115
extern const char *const attacks[NROFATTACKS];
extern const char *const restore_msg[NUM_STATS];
extern const char *const statname[NUM_STATS];
extern const char *const short_stat_name[NUM_STATS];
extern const char *const lose_msg[NUM_STATS];
 * Various statistics of objects.
typedef struct liv {
    sint8         Str, Dex, Con, Wis, Cha, Int, Pow;
    sint8         wc;         /**< Weapon Class, how skilled, the lower the better. */
    sint8         ac;         /**< Armour Class, how hard to hit, the lower the better. */
    sint8         luck;       /**< Affects thaco and ac from time to time */
    sint16        hp;         /**< Hit Points. */
    sint16        maxhp;      /**< Max hit points. */
    sint16        sp;         /**< Spell points.  Used to cast mage spells. */
    sint16        maxsp;      /**< Max spell points. */
    sint16        grace;      /**< Grace.  Used to invoke clerical prayers. */
    sint16        maxgrace;   /**< Maximum grace.  Used to invoke clerical prayers. */
    sint16        dam;        /**< How much damage this object does when hitting */
    sint64        exp;        /**< Experience.  Killers gain 1/10. */
    sint32        food;       /**< How much food in stomach.  0 = starved. */
} living;
int get_cha_bonus(int stat);
int get_dex_bonus(int stat);
int get_thaco_bonus(int stat);
uint32 get_weight_limit(int stat);
int get_learn_spell(int stat);
int get_cleric_chance(int stat);
int get_turn_bonus(int stat);
int get_dam_bonus(int stat);
float get_speed_bonus(int stat);
int get_fear_bonus(int stat);
#endif /* LIVING_H */
server/include/living.h.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/13 03:43 by karl