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Long Live Crossfire!

  • The Absolutely Real Thing


  • Long-time player, patcher, documenter, coder…
  • Non-prolific contributor with primarily low-profile changes, but a long-standing fan and contributor…
  • Notable contributions
    • GTK V2 client retrofit for libglade, plus numerous alternate main window layouts.
    • / improvements and documentation.
    • Fixed the notorious double-character bugs in GTK clients.
    • Doxygen markup for the client code base.
    • Added SDL_mixer to client for sound.
    • Made several client releases.


Build Resources


  • Function call tracing may be done at run-time with etrace.


Shell Programming


Portable C/C++

SVN Scripts

This script can do svn 1.5.x sparse checkouts or pre-1.5 checkouts. The script defaults to using subversion 1.5+ sparse checkouts. If an older client is detected, the script switches to a legacy checkout directory model. It is available for download from

Create the desired development directory first, get the script, then run it to checkout. For example:

$ sudo mkdir -p /home/devel/crossfire
$ sudo chgrp -R ctools /home/devel
$ sudo chmod -R g+rwx /home/devel
$ cd /home/devel/crossfire
$ curl -o
$ bash --trunk --all

Built-in help shows:

Usage: \
    { --client | --server | --all } \
    { --trunk | --branch=1.xx } \
    [ --release ]

    xx is the branch number

  A client checkout with --release gets arch and server too.

This script is only used for SVN clients of a lower version number than 1.5, or when a non-sparse checkout is used. It is available for download from

Enter the desired development directory first, get the script, and then run it to update. For example:

$ cd /home/devel/crossfire
$ curl -o
$ bash --trunk --all

Built-in help shows:

Usage: \
    { --client | --server | --all } \
    { --trunk | --branch=1.xx } \
    [ --release ]

    xx is the branch number

  A client update with --release updates arch and server too.

Configure Scripts

$ cd /home/devel/crossfire
$ curl -o

$ cd /home/devel/crossfire
$ curl -o

Distribution-Specific Setup

Mageia 2

See Mageia 2

Mageia 1

See Mageia 1

Mandriva 2010.1 (Spring)

Mandriva 2009.0

Release Guide (WIP)

The directions use SVN trunk as the example release. The instructions presume you start in the top level SVN directory (the one that contains the arch, client, maps, server) for each phase (arch, client, maps, server)

This procedure assumes that release operations are done in the /home/devel/crossfire/rpmbuild directory.

The RPMs build in this procedure may be installed by a user without using sudo or root permissions. The RPMs will be build to install in the user's home directory (${HOME}/usr/local/games/crossfire). This path is chosen so it is clearer how to modify the procedure to build RPMs that install into /usr/local/games/crossfire.

Optional: Setup .rpmmacros

A key to building RPMs without using sudo or root is centered around creating a .rpmmacros file in the builder's home directory. You only need a file like this set up if you want to build and install the rpm as a normal user. To make RPMs that use distribution defaults, make sure that ~/.rpmmacros does not exist, or that it does not conflict with the system-wide settings.

# /etc/rpm/macros # (c) GPL 2003 Tero.Karvinen at-sign
%packager %(echo "$USER")
%_topdir /home/devel/crossfire/rpmbuild
# %_rpmtopdir %{_topdir}/%{name}/RPM
%_rpmtopdir %{_topdir}/RPM
%_builddir %{_rpmtopdir}/BUILD
%_rpmdir %{_rpmtopdir}/RPMS
%_sourcedir %{_rpmtopdir}/SOURCES
%_specdir %{_rpmtopdir}/SPECS
%_srcrpmdir %{_rpmtopdir}/SRPMS
%_tmppath %{_rpmtopdir}/TMP
%_buildroot %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root

%_datadir %(echo "$HOME")/usr/local/games/crossfire

# Build rpms in your home directory, without root priviledges
# Users can copy this file to $HOME/.rpmmacros to override
# settings, such as packager to "Firstname Lastname email".
# Example of typical directory and file hierarchy for
# rpm building:
#  ~/rpmbuild/
#  ~/rpmbuild/nano/ # replace nano with rpm name
#  ~/rpmbuild/nano/TMP/
#  ~/rpmbuild/nano/BUILD/ # user must create this dir
# and files (can be extracted from a source rpm with
#  rpm2cpio *.src.rpm |cpio -dvi
#   ~/rpmbuild/nano/nano-1.2.tar.gz
#   ~/rpmbuild/nano/nano.spec
# Then you can build your rpm with
#  rm -rf TMP/* BUILD/* ; rpmbuild -ba *.spec 2>&1 |tee rpmbuild.log
# For more information, see

To be able to sign RPMs, also add:

 %_signature gpg
 %_gpg_name Firstname I. Lastname

Setup the Release Workspace

Create the base workspace directory and make it your current working directory.

$ export RELDIR=/home/devel/crossfire/rpmbuild
$ mkdir -p ${RELDIR}
$ cd ${RELDIR}

Populate the release workspace with the necessary scripts:

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget

Create a Release or Snapshot

It is only necessary to manually invoke the script. The other scripts are automatically called as needed.

The built-in help for shows:

Usage: \
    { --client | --server | --all } \
    { --trunk | --branch=1.xx } \
    [ --name=First_I._Last ] \
    [ --email=me@my.domain ] \
    [ --release=y ] \
    [ --maps-bz2 ]

    xx is the branch number

    Specify the RPM packager (default: user@my.domain)
    Use underscores instead of spaces for --name.

    Build a release instead of a snapshot.  For the first release
    of a particular version, always use 0.  For subsequent bugfix
    re-releases, increment the release count by one.

    Create a bzip2 maps tarball in addition to a gzip tarball.

An example of how to build a snapshot release follows:

$ bash --trunk --client --name=First_I._Last --email=me@my.domain
  • If there are errors, rpmbuild will tell you.
  • RPMs will be put in RPM/RPMS/<architecture>
  • SRPM will be located in RPM/SRPMS

Making an official release is not yet fully implemented and tested, but the primary difference is adding a –release parameter to the command-line.

For good information on how to sign RPMs, see

Bug Triage


Client | Save window position

The client restores the window vertically offset (lower) by about the size of the window title bar. It should restore it the same place it was when saved.

2.x Invidious

* Can't easily reproduce this one. Had just bought a permanent apartment. Saved by 'a'pplying the bed and probably hit 'a' more that one once very quickly. The client crashed immediately. Had done a bunch of dropping right before. I don't have a clue what went bad. It was an RPM build. I do not know what the 24881 means in the message below.

$ crossfire-client-gtk2

(crossfire-client-gtk2:24881): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_modify_fg: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(crossfire-client-gtk2:24881): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_modify_font: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
Segmentation fault

$ date
Sat Dec 20 22:27:49 CST 2008
$ crossfire-client-gtk2 -loglevel 0
[  INFO  ] (Client Version) GTK V2 Unix Client 2.0.r11029
user/kbulgrien.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/20 17:39 by leaf