Crossfire Client Scratchpad
This is a scratchpad or whiteboard for capturing ideas quickly without constraining the input by formatting, eloquence, or quality. It is best to keep entries here terse and to the point. If they merit greater attention and detail, they should be moved to a new location. If after review, the ideas seem hard to limit in scope or impractical, they should either be deleted or moved to other wiki locations. Scratchpad content deemed not compatible with the client namespace premise described in the introduction, but worthy of retention could be relocated to other wiki namespaces like: [content], [dev], [dev_todo], [ideas], and [server].
Organization of the scratchpad is expected to be somewhat dynamic and spotty, but do try to aggregate similar things together.
The metaserver support seems to be able to “lock up” the client for long periods of time if a network operation blocks.
The whole UI hangs when this happens (windows do not update).
How hard would it be to multi-thead the client?
Update: The client has changed to use non-blocking network operations and now programmatically times out at 30 seconds instead of blocking for about 4 minutes. The client still hangs. It might be good to put something on the dialog to say the delay might happen and not to get too itchy to kill it.
Ability to play audio files in conjunction with server features that allow maps to specify mood music.
User-interface controls to configure what audio file to play for a particular mood.
Deploy a basic set of standard audio files with the client.
JXClient uses .wav, but Ragnor says .ogg is preferred, except that he tried and gave up once. It would probably be good to try for .ogg. .wav is uncompressed.
Deploying audio files via network should likely happen outside of the client protocol, and use a standard file transfer protocol, but due to the size of the files this should be carefully thought out.
User Interface
Spell Window
Communication panels
Add a chat-specific panel?
Message routing system should allow a client to not have a specific number of message panels.
So layouts can vary the number of available panels to adapt to large/small footprints, etc.
Auto-disable routing to panels not defined in a layout.
Disallow configuring routing to unavailable panels.
In-client configuration of message routing to the available message panels?
Ability for the user to determine the number of message panels in the client.
Add a “status bar” style message panel that displays only the last message of a particular type.
Automatic line-wrap based on message pane size, font, etc. The client wraps at 40 characters whether that is sensible or not.
Optional logging of chats and tells.
Time stamping of messages.
Simplified scripting UI
Introduces players to scripting without requiring the depth of knowledge needed to run scripts.