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Bash functions for Alchemistry

This function library contains bash shell functions related to the Alchemy skill.
Though it had been tested with the busybox ash shell, some functions might only work correctly in bash ( or the other way around ).

The functions use code from

These client side scripting files are suggested to be installed inside the user's “HOME/.crossfire/s/” folder,
with a shortcut link cf → to the .crossfire directory,
to do have not much typing to do in the client's commandline.

Functions are usually named _function(){ ;} , functions named _ _function and _ _ _function are usually alternatives to the _function.

Noteworthy is the _check_cauldron_cursed function, which is a switch to call either
_check_cauldron_cursed_use_skill, *_ready_skill, *_cast_detect_curse, or *_invoke_detect_curse;
either a skill or a spell.
The user needs to un-comment / comment the one of the functions wanted therein.
FIXME This _check_cauldron_cursed function needs still code added to read the message info panel,
and handle the received information.

The Code

330 lines of code without much explanations…

[ "$HAVE_FUNCS_ALCHEMY" ] && return 0
# depends :
[ "$HAVE_FUNCS_COMMON"   ] || .
_debug "_drop_in_cauldron:$*"
test "$*" || return 254
_watch $DRAWINFO
_drop "$@"
_unwatch $DRAWINFO
# *** Check if standing on a cauldron *** #
_debug "_check_if_on_cauldron:$*"
_draw 5 "Checking if on a cauldron..."
echo request items on
while :; do
_log "$ON_LOG" "_check_if_on_cauldron:$UNDER_ME"
_debug "$UNDER_ME"
case $UNDER_ME in
*request*items*on*end*) break;;
*scripttell*break*)     break ${UNDER_ME##*?break};;
*scripttell*exit*)    _exit 1 $REPLY;;
*'YOU HAVE DIED.'*) _just_exit;;
*bed*to*reality*)   _just_exit;;
unset UNDER_ME
sleep 0.1s
test "`echo "$UNDER_ME_LIST" | grep -E 'cauldron.*cursed|cauldron.*damned'`" && {
#_draw 3 "You stand upon a cursed cauldron!"
_exit 1 "You stand upon a cursed cauldron!"
test "`echo "$UNDER_ME_LIST" | grep 'cauldron$'`" || {
#_draw 3 "Need to stand upon cauldron!"
_exit 1 "Need to stand upon cauldron!"
_draw 7 "OK."
return 0
# *** Check if cauldron is empty *** #
_debug "_check_empty_cauldron:$*"
#_is 1 1 pickup 0  # precaution otherwise might pick up cauldron
_set_pickup 0
sleep 0.5
_draw 5 "Checking for empty cauldron..."
# opening the cauldron:
_is 1 1 apply
sleep 0.5
# getting items out of the cauldron
_watch $DRAWINFO
#sleep 0.5
#issue <repeat> <must_send> <command>
#- send <command> to server on behalf of client.
#<repeat> is the number of times to execute command
#<must_send> tells whether or not the command must sent at all cost (1 or 0).
#<repeat> and <must_send> are optional parameters.
#See The Issue Command for more details.
#issue 1 0 get nugget (works as 'get 1 nugget')
#issue 2 0 get nugget (works as 'get 2 nugget')
#issue 1 1 get nugget (works as 'get 1 nugget')
#issue 2 1 get nugget (works as 'get 2 nugget')
#issue 0 0 get nugget (works as 'get nugget')
#_is 1 1 get  ##gets 1 of topmost item
#_is 0 1 take
#_is 0 1 get all
#_is 0 1 get
_is 99 1 get
# Note : the commandline of the client handles take and get differently:
# 'get  4 water' would get 4 water of every item containing water
# 'take 4 water' ignores the number and would get all water from the topmost item containing water
while :; do unset REPLY
read -t $TMOUT
_log "$REPLY_LOG" "take:$cr:$REPLY"
_debug "$REPLY"
test "$REPLY" || break
sleep 0.1s
case $REPLY_ALL in
*You*pick*up*the*cauldron*) _exit 1 "pickup 0 seems not to work in script..?";;
*Nothing*to*take*) :;;
*) _exit 1 "Cauldron seems to be NOT empty !!";;
_unwatch $DRAWINFO
_move_back_and_forth 2
_draw 7 "OK ! Cauldron IS empty."
_debug "_alch_and_get:$*"
_check_if_on_cauldron || return 1
_unknown &
_watch $DRAWINFO
sleep 0.5
_is 1 1 use_skill alchemy
# *** TODO: The cauldron burps and then pours forth monsters!
while :; do unset REPLY
read -t $TMOUT
_log "$REPLY_LOG" "alchemy:$REPLY"
_debug "$REPLY"
case $REPLY in
                                                       #(level < 25)  /* INGREDIENTS USED/SLAGGED */
                                                       #(level < 40)  /* MAKE TAINTED ITEM */
                                                       #(level == 40) /* MAKE RANDOM RECIPE */ if 0
                                                       #(level < 45)  /* INFURIATE NPC's */
*The*cauldron*creates*a*bomb*) _emergency_exit 1;;     #(level < 50)  /* MINOR EXPLOSION/FIREBALL */
                                                       #(level < 60)  /* CREATE MONSTER */
*The*cauldron*erupts*in*flame*)     HAVE_CAULDRON=0;;  #(level < 80)  /* MAJOR FIRE */
*The*burning*item*erupts*in*flame*) HAVE_CAULDRON=0;;  #(level < 80)  /* MAJOR FIRE */
*turns*darker*then*makes*a*gulping*sound*) _exit 1 "Cauldron probably got cursed";;  #(level < 100) /* WHAMMY the CAULDRON */
*Your*cauldron*becomes*darker*) _exit 1 "Cauldron probably got cursed";;  #(level < 100) /* WHAMMY the CAULDRON */
*pours*forth*monsters*) _emergency_exit 1;;            #(level < 110) /* SUMMON EVIL MONSTERS */
                                                       #(level < 150) /* COMBO EFFECT */
                                                       #(level == 151) /* CREATE RANDOM ARTIFACT */
*You*unwisely*release*potent*forces*) _emergency_exit 1;;  #else /* MANA STORM - watch out!! */
'') break;;
sleep 0.1s
if test "$HAVE_CAULDRON" = 0; then
 _check_if_on_cauldron && HAVE_CAULDRON=1
 test "$HAVE_CAULDRON" = 0 && _exit 1 "Destroyed cauldron." # :D
# Now opening the cauldron
_is 1 1 apply
#issue <repeat> <must_send> <command>
#- send <command> to server on behalf of client.
#<repeat> is the number of times to execute command
#<must_send> tells whether or not the command must sent at all cost (1 or 0).
#<repeat> and <must_send> are optional parameters.
#See The Issue Command for more details.
#_is  1 1 get  # [AMOUNT] [ITEM]
#_is 99 1 take # [ITEM] ## take gets <repeat> of ITEM -> 99 should be enough to empty the cauldron
#issue 1 0 get nugget (works as 'get 1 nugget')
#issue 2 0 get nugget (works as 'get 2 nugget')
#issue 1 1 get nugget (works as 'get 1 nugget')
#issue 2 1 get nugget (works as 'get 2 nugget')
#issue 0 0 get nugget (works as 'get nugget')
#_is 0 1 take
#_is 0 1 get all
#_is 0 1 get
_is 99 1 get
# Note : the commandline of the client handles take and get differently:
# 'get  4 water' would get 4 water of every item containing water
# 'take 4 water' ignores the number and would get all water from the topmost item containing water
while :; do unset REPLY
read -t $TMOUT
_log "$REPLY_LOG" "take:$REPLY"
_debug "$REPLY"
case $REPLY in
*Nothing*to*take*)   NOTHING=1;;
*You*pick*up*the*slag*) SLAG=1;;
'') break;;
sleep 0.1s
_unwatch $DRAWINFO
_debug "_check_drop_or_exit:$*"
local HAVE_PUT=0
local OLD_REPLY="";
local REPLY="";
while :; do unset REPLY
read -t $TMOUT
_log "$REPLY_LOG" "_check_drop_or_exit:$REPLY"
_debug "$REPLY"
case $REPLY in
*Nothing*to*drop*)                _exit 1 "Missing in inventory";;
*There*are*only*|*There*is*only*) _exit 1 "Not enough to drop." ;;
*You*put*in*cauldron*) HAVE_PUT=$((HAVE_PUT+1));;
'') break;;
sleep 0.1s
case "$HAVE_PUT" in
0)   _exit 1 "Could not put.";;
1)   :;;
'')  _exit 2 "_check_drop_or_exit:ERROR:Got no content.";;
*[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*) _exit 2 "_check_drop_or_exit:ERROR:Got no number.";;
[2-9]*) _exit 1 "More than one stack put.";;
_move_back_and_forth 2
_move_back 4
_move_forth 4
_is 1 1 use_skill sense curse
_is 1 1 ready_skill sense curse
_is 1 1 fire 0 # 0 is center
_is 1 1 fire_stop
_is 1 1 cast detect curse
_is 1 1 fire 0 # 0 is center
_is 1 1 fire_stop
_is 1 1 invoke detect curse
_debug "_check_cauldron_cursed:$*"
##_is 1 1 use_skill sense curse
#_is 1 1 cast detect curse
#_is 1 1 fire 0 # 0 is center
#_is 1 1 fire_stop
_debug "_return_to_cauldron:$*"
_get_player_speed -l || sleep ${DELAY_DRAWINFO}s
user/karl/cauldron/cf_funcs_alchemy_sh.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/06 05:35 by karl