Table of Contents

Player Guides

Here you will find many guides detailing various aspects of playing Crossfire.

Crossfire Handbook

The Crossfire Handbook provides all information to new players on navigating the complex world of Crossfire.
Some information given can be considered spoilers so reader discretion is advised.

  1. Connecting to Crossfire - How to connect to a Crossfire Server
  2. Creating a character - What to consider when creating a new character
  3. Playing Crossfire - General information about moving and interacting in Crossfire FIXME the link is not correct here and redirects to the same page
    1. Player Commands - A guide to important commands a player can use
    2. DM Commands - Commands only a DM can use
  4. Skills - What skills your character should learn
    1. Combat - Skills relating to hand to hand combat
    2. Magic - Skills related to spellcraft
    3. Crafting and other skills - Other skills
  5. Equipment - What equipment should you try and find
    1. Store Guide (the best stores for buying and selling)
  6. Maps - Where you should go exploring
    1. Beginner's Atlas - A [uncompleted] guide to the default mapset.

Old Guides


Information on the mechanics within Crossfire can be found in The Sworn book of Scorn.
Some information may be considered a spoiler.
The following pages are useful to new players in particular:

Dungeon Masters

The Dungeon Masters Guide is a short guide on using the Dungeon Master commands in Crossifre